Hourglass Sand Timer Meditation

Who ever knew that hourglass sand timers could be used for meditation? Yes, those hourglass sand timers are more than just trendy décor. For beginners, meditation can seem like a boring and impatient endeavor especially to children. Sitting for 1 minute can feel like 1 hour, and the urge to keep checking how long you have been sitting will seem impossible to overcome. I’m here to remind you that it is possible. Even if you or your children suffer with ADHD or Hyperactivity, do not be discouraged. I am going to tell you why this proven method of increasing your concentration, focus, and meditation sitting time works:

  • No more looking at the clock and counting minutes. No more keeping track of time. You can buy a sand timer with a specified amount of minutes so you will know just how long you have been sitting.
  • No more losing focus. Some people prefer to meditate with their eyes open, and it is a great way to increase concentration. However, sometimes it is hard to maintain focus without having a point to concentrate on without being distracted. With hourglass sand timers, you will be able to focus on the sand as it falls….which is really relaxing too!
  • Anyone can meditate and benefit from using hourglass sand timers. Children and adults can meditate and use hourglass sand timers. Sand timers start at 1 minute and go up to 60 minutes, which makes it a great and simple family activity. Go up gradually in timers, as you learn to sit longer. Are you a long time meditator? The 30 minute and 60 minute hourglass sand timers will keep you focused and into a daily routine.

Just place the hourglass sand timer in a location where you can sit comfortably meditating while still being able to clearly see the sand. Happy Meditating!

Buy Your Own Hourglass Here: HOURGLASS